- Do you feel angry a lot of the time?
- Are people close to you worried about your anger?
- Do you feel ashamed about what you do when angry?
- Is anger leading to problems with personal relationships and / or work?
- Are you hurting those that you love?
- Do you sometimes get violent?
We provide individual anger management counselling sessions (no groups). Most people take 3-8 (average 5) sessions to learn how to manage their behaviour. However, some people require more long term counselling due to a history of trauma, abuse or neglect.
Anger Management involves:
- Understanding why you get angry (there might be more to it than you think)
- Identifying triggers
- Identifying the benefits and cost
- Taking responsibility for one’s own feelings
- Changing situations you can change, accepting what you can’t change
- Noticing the warning signs
Learning management strategies:
- Control your thinking and automatic behaviours
- Take time out
- Use distraction
- Use mindfulness to bear frustration
- Rehearse trigger situations
We use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Certainly, these techniques help to identify and manage unhelpful emotions. They also teach to live by one’s values rather than be driven by destructive emotions. Another helpful technique we use is Mindfulness, which involves leaning to sit in awareness of painful emotions without taking unhelpful action. Additionally, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) can identify deeper, more painful emotions that are often covered up by angry outbursts.
While most people come alone for anger-management, sometimes couples come together as part of relationship counselling. This is because either both partners have difficulties managing their anger. Maybe for the non-angry partner wants to support the angry partner. Such couple sessions may include a discussion about gender roles, as challenging one’s beliefs about gender roles can be a trigger for anger.
If you think this is for you call (08) 8271 1827 to make an appointment.
Click here to learn more about anger management